Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Believe In yourself !

Mood right now : ecstatic

It's been quite some time since I posted something here. My poor blog was deprived of all the attention it rightfully deserves, thanks to what else..tight hours at work. Yes, "Believe In Yourself" is what I exactly want to tell myself now and am putting it down here so that I can come back and read it whenever I want to and feel the same frenzy of poetic inspiration!

Whether it's trying out a new recipe, drawing a new kolam design, solving a HOT customer issue, trying out a new hairdo, getting youself a short skirt, or singing a duet in public, there is always a first time for everything. Belief in oneself can transform the most undoable of things into the possible. Things might not go right at the first attempt. It takes patience, optimism and belief in one's own potential. This is my epiphany for the day and I can't hide my delight at this discovery.

Some inspiring lines to end with :-

Believe in youself and in your dream
Though Impossible things may seem
Someday somehow you'll get through
To the goal you have in view

Mountains fall and seas divide
Before the one who in his stride
Takes a hard road day by day
Sweeping obstacles away!


Saaveri... said...

hey thats so true. thats why I think they say - in life so many situations are similar, whether at work or at home,wherever. It is only our attitude that matters..

way to go gal.. :) I wud love to see a super confident u soon :)-

Kavita said...

Yes I guess some amount experience in any new field also contributes to the confidence factor.

Anonymous said...

nee dhaana Aahiri, kavita ji!

we were wondering for about 2 months on who it is thru comments on tasty-trads (me and my cousin aruna)

Kavita said...

yea.. y did u take so long to figure out?
and how did u figure out now?

Anonymous said...

Did not have time to sit and find out it was you. But somehow found out its you.

Was wondering in general - my sister was asking me who were Ahiri, Saaveri etc. - rather she thought they my profiles on blogger.