Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Repeat the same routine everyday...get up early morning, make breakfast, prepare for dinner and then rush to office. It feels great at times to realise that I've been able to do all this and still reach office on time. But at other times I feel, is making breakfast and dinner really such a big deal?

Once at work, spend all day staring at the 'really dumb terminal', doing installations, coding, testing, sending status nauseum. There just is no fixed time when this would get over. Its only when you decide that its enough for the day that you can leave. At times, after an entire day's work, there is a sense of satisfaction. Alas, such days are but few and far between. If you are willing to slog the entire night after the long day's work, you are most welcome to do so and of course, there's no one to stop you. There is no appreciation as well. Talk of thankless jobs!


Madhava Prakash said...

Jeena! iska nam hai !!!!

Kavita said...

hiee madhav ...
nice 2 c ur comments on my blog.
Do u blog as well?